Dear Lawyers, Use That CRM Tech (Part 2)

Putting your CRM Technology to good use (continued)

One client services pet peeve I have is when I see people in the same firm ask the client for the same information that the client has previously provided or don’t have all the facts about a client.

Why do you do that?

What it tells me is that there is no collaboration happening. Clients don’t know your organisational structure, and unless they outrightly ask you not to share that information with other teams or departments in the Firm or a Chinese wall had to be created as a result of a conflict of interest, it makes you look bad when you ask a client for the same information twice.

Now, this is what a CRM tech could have helped with if you used it.

The use is bifurcated into the following:

  1. Storing the information about the client on it
  2. Going there to find the information about the client on it.

So, if the lawyers who had met with a client didn’t store that information on the CRM tool, the lawyers who need it will not find it even if they used it.

So, dear lawyer, use that CRM tech your firm has spent so much money to purchase.